SUMMIT By -]K6[-Grimm & BU|D>ToX
A remake of the map Summit from Call of Duty Black Ops. Set high on a wintry mountain top with severe drops all round.
Map version:
UPDATED 9-25-2012 Fixed various bounce areas Fixed out of map glitch Fixed various textures Tweaked Vision file to brighten ambient.
map size:
Supported gametypes: DM TDM HQ S&D DOM SAB
oldschool is NOT supported.
Installation Instructions:
copy the folder and all files contained within to the Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare/usermaps/ directory.
If the folder does not exist, create it
map shortname for your server config is: mp_summit
Contact info
Website: /
chrisellison50 at hotmail dot com
dmausderau at hotmail dot com
Map plays with SAS/Spetznaz and will cause a "red X in yer face" if your mod has the broken teams.gsc.
Not tested on Linux servers. Simply too many custom textures were needed in making the map. If it works, great. If not, sorry.
No we cant make the files any smaller.. we tried
Tested with OW2 mods inc unreleased version with extra models no xmodel limit errors! OW2 1.4 was also tested.
Hardpoints work fine on OW2 mod. Other mods may need tweaks to configs (ac130 height etc)
This map is M.I.P protected, do not change the contents of the IWD file!
Special thanks to HolyMoly for his Map integrity check script!
Treyarch for the concept and textures and models.
Winter OpForce skins by Zelimper
SAS snow camo by Unknown. File found at cfgfactory, no author credits given:
Permission is granted for any files in this map to be used in any way as long as proper credit is given to its original Author.
The author's of this file in no way excepts any responsibility for damage to data(software),physical damage to hardware or physical damage to any person as a result of the appropriate or inappropriate use of this file. It is deemed that users who run this file are automatically considered to have read and understood this liability clause before using the aforementioned file.
Не могу её что-то найти.
Я просто не когда не устанавливал модели в игру)