V1.9 Changelog :
- Changed plant & defuse points from 10 to 3.
- Changed timeout countdown from seconds to minutes & seconds
- Changed team names on score screens such as Marine Raiders Eliminated to generic names such as Attack Eliminated
- Added further protection against invalid values on certain settings improving standardisation and disabling the use of certain cvars which are "allowed" to be changed by a user but result in cheat type effects such as the removal of large objects etc. Thus blocking commands such as modellimit, dobjlimit, sizecull & compassplayerheight/width outside normal ranges with the introduction of obscuring the screen and annoyance of repeated sound until the settings are corrected.
- Added support for Map Pack 2 maps, mp_kwai, mp_stalingrad & mp_docks (with removal of thunder sound on mp_docks & waterfall sound on mp_kwai)
- Added stock updated glitch/stick fixes to Shrine, Suburban, Makin, Makin Day, Roundhouse, Downfall, Asylum, Subway, Seelow, Outskirts, Hangar & Castle
- Added a fix to stop a glitch with both rocks on Shrine being completely see through when leaning in to
- Added score display when you kill, defuse, plant, teamkill etc
- Added the ability to use the sawn-off "attachment" on the double barreled shotgun offering greater spread and power but with less range
- Added "snipers" only and "snipersgp" only mode (eg; /rcon commod_mode public_10 snipersgp)
- Added the ability to select Stielhandgranate as a primary grenade
- Added hit damage inflicted & location information in pre-match ready-up mode
- Added comMod Graphics quick menu accessable by B then 5 in game. Allowing the ability to change values such as :-
r_normalmap Unchanged, Flat
r_specularcolorscale 0, 1, 2
r_blur 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1
r_lighttweaksunlight 0.1, 0.6, 1.2, 1.6
While retaining your choices for future comMod games.
- Fixed a bug in which timeout limit was set per side and not per team
- Fixed a bug in public rifles only mode in which STG was available
- Fixed a bug in private rifles only mode in which 1 sniper was available
- Fixed SVT/Gewehr lower torso damage which was set incorrectly lower than it should be
- Fixed a problem in which the bomb site on Castle, Makin & Makin Day disappeared when viewed from a certain angle/distance leaving a player planting clearly visable
- Fixed a bug in which headbob came back at the last seconds of a round after bomb explodes
- Fixed a bug in which -5 wasn`t deducted from your score when you made a teamkill
- Reduced damage to the lower leg & through objects such as walls of the DP28, Type99LMG & Bar
- Reduced firerate & increased damage slightly of PPSH
- Reduced the firerate of Gewehr, SVT & m1 Carbine to reduce the use of roller fire
- Increased recoil slightly of the BAR
- Increased damage/range slightly of Molotov & added 5s explode time in hand
- Increased spread of fire when shooting from the hip for DP28 & Type 99 LMG
- Increased rate of fire of the MP40
- Limited Light Gunners to 3 per team
- Removed the choice of silencer/flash hider on STG & M1A1 Carbine
- Removed the ability to throw back grenades
Не могу её что-то найти.
Я просто не когда не устанавливал модели в игру)